星期日, 2月 26, 2006

YEC The Personality Type Portraits

Session 1
Member: Austin (ISTP), Terry (ISFJ), Flora (ISFP), Margaret (ISFP), and Me (ISTP+ENTJ)

Austin, working for a security company, is a high-risk taker because he���s trying use the knowledge he learned on work to rob a bank. Twisted Evil He thinks himself as a good project manager and I think many of us agree with that since he really hold up many successful activity last year.

Terry did that test few years ago, and found the recent result is the same. According to explanation, she is suitable for social worker.

Both Margaret and Flora are Artist type. Margaret said her friend, working at financial area in HK, once told her that she should be more aggressive. And both Austin and I thought she���s aggressive enough. Flora is sometimes confused about making a decision because she is afraid what she makes will be wrong. Margaret just told us the experience to decide to change her job via a fortune teller���s divining. I also thought that���s one of the most efficient ways to make a decision since the world is magical. Cool

Margaret thought I choose wrong career because of my type. But��多ow about being an ���entrepreneur���? Wink

Session 2
Member: Tina, David Xiao, Linda, Julian, Jessica and Me
We just talk about the 2nd and the 3rd question. What kind of men or women would you like? How will you do if your partner is disloyal? I remind members in our group that woman will change their personality after marriage, pregnant, and give birth to a baby. David Xiao can���t believe that most women are loyal to their partner comparing to him. He thought women who climb mountain very often are much more open-minded. I think a stronger body may breed a confident mind. Cool

